Message to Ron Paul Fans: Grow Up

December 31, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


Commentary- Do you see that Paul supporters? Commentary. That means it is Commentary. NOT a news article. It’s like the Opinion section of the paper, not the front page. Then again, that doesn’t matter to Ron Paul supporters. If it isn’t something that praises St. Ron Paul, it’s trash. It’s stupid. It’s someone who should “kill themselves”.

Personal attacks by Ron Paul fans

Yes. In the comments in the last article I wrote, commentators told me everything from me needing to f-word myself to killing myself…and everything in between, including having my tubes tied so I didn’t have any more children. Nice. Mature.

I thought I was being a little rough when I referred to Ron Paul supporters as being “rabid”. They proved to me I was right on. Thanks for proving me right.

I believe in the 11th Commandment. “Thou shall not speak ill of fellow Republicans.” But I can still talk about Ron Paul. Because he’s not a Republican. He’s so far right, he’s wrong. He’s even been described as “left of Obama” by some of my friends who are Democrats.

The aforementioned article has almost 300 more COMMENTS than WORDS in the article. Looks like I hit a nerve. You’d think I said that Dr. Paul eats small kittens for breakfast…and I’m surprised I haven’t been accused of it.

I’m amused that the commentators took the time to check out my background. Yes, I do volunteer for a Paranormal Group. I think it is fun and interesting. I have also served as Co-Chair of the Polk County (Des Moines, Iowa) Republican Party, and like almost everyone else in Des Moines, I have worked for a large corporation (we have many in the area, Principal, Wells Fargo, Nationwide, ING). But I think that just makes my background diverse.

My husband served in the Iraq war, and after finding out about it, a Ron Paul supporter told me that I didn’t serve, only my husband did. ANYONE who is a spouse of a soldier also serves. Whomever says that the wife of a soldier doesn’t serve, has never been a soldier, or a wife of one. The same Paul supporter responded with, “if you somehow died while he was overseas, would you get a military burial?” Because only a military burial equates to serving? Some soldiers choose not to have a military burial. Moron.

As far as the articles I’ve written, they include more than just the barn and crayon stains. You can read about Why I support Santorum, Why I like him for the caucus, Iowa GOP Voter’s reaction to the national security debate…and more. If you did as much research into my articles as you did my personal background, you would have found them.

My concerns with Paul’s positions

Even though this is an opinion piece, the Ron Paul supporters seem to feel the need for me to back up my opinion with facts. Here’s why Ron Paul is dangerous, again, in MY opinion.

  1. Ron Paul’s foreign policy is an epic fail. Example? Not taking Iran seriously. Dr. Paul’s lack of seriousness toward Iran shows a fundamental misunderstanding of international security. Iran is a country that doesn’t lend itself toward the kind of MAD balance of terror that gave balance in the Cold War. Iran, instead, upon getting nukes would be in a use’em or lose’em scenario. I can go through the game theory in more detail, but suffice it to say we either intervene in the Mid-East to stop Iran getting nukes, or you flip a coin to figure out if you have a major regional war in the Mid-East, potentially involving nukes.
  2. Eliminating the Department of Energy. I don’t know if Dr. Paul knows, but the DOE runs our nuclear program (there’s a little facility out at Los Alamos he may want to familiarize himself with.) Sure, Solyndra is a scandal that is terribly embarrassing to the Democrats, but let’s not toss the baby out with the bathwater here.
  3. Democrats may disagree with Republicans on appropriate military policy, but we all should honor our veterans. The way leftists treated vets post Vietnam is disgusting, and has no place in our political life. Soldiers and their families have a tough enough time without some idiot (or like I was subjected to, a Ron Paul supporter) undermining their sacrifice.

So there you go, Ron Paul supporters. Three talking points. As you know, I’m more than willing to have an open, yet mature dialogue. If you tell me to “kill myself”, it’s not going to happen. If you “plan to have your sister come and pound me in the ground”, it’s not going to happen. Maybe I’m the next Ann Coulter. And yes, I consider that a compliment.

How Do The Iowa Caucuses Work?

December 29, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


It’s not like a regular primary. You don’t go to your normal polling location. It’s not something you can do before or after work. It’s quite different.

I can speak for the Republican caucus because I’ve been the Chair for my location. As far as the Democrats go, well, I only have to go off of what I’ve been told from my dad. Yes, my parents were registered Democrats. I was raised a Democrat. I turned them.

From what I understand of the Democrat caucus (when it is contested), you go to your caucus location and break into groups of the candidate you support. There’s a percentage your candidate must reach in order to be considered “viable”. When there is a group that isn’t a “viable” group, the other groups try to coerce the “un-viable” candidates to their group. It all just sounds a little too shady to me.

As far as the Republicans go, you go to your caucus location, listen to speakers, either the actual candidates or those who’ve been chosen to speak on behalf of the candidate, pass the “buck bucket” as a fundraiser for the party and then vote. Each person gets one slip of paper (usually colored paper to prevent fraud) and you write your choice. The votes are tallied (usually as more people speak) and the winner is announced. One person, one vote. Sounds fair to me.

It can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the speakers, the size of the precinct, and the questions (usually from Dems who have switched sides).

It may sound complex but the GOP event really is straight forward. Have fun, good luck and enjoy the process and blessing that we, as Iowans, get.


Rick Perry’s No-So “Strong” Ad

December 15, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


We’ve all seen it. And if you haven’t seen it, you’ve at least heard of it. Rick Perry released a new ad titled “Strong”. If you haven’t seen it, you can view it here.

The ad was posted a week ago. Why is that important? It already has over 600,000 dislikes. That makes it the most hated video on youtube….even more than Rebecca Black’s “Friday”. If you haven’t heard that song and you don’t enjoy good music, feel free to view it here.

And I knew it wouldn’t be long before “Bad Lip Reading” jumped on it. And they did.

So why is everyone so upset about Rick Perry’s ad? Well, I get his point. I understand what he’s saying. I do think it is wrong that our kids can’t say “Merry Christmas”…but I tell them to. We celebrate Christmas in our home and we say “Merry Christmas”. 

I need to address the “gays serving openly in the military” line. I think I come from a unique background. While my husband was serving in Iraq, I moved in with my sister-in-laws…who are now legally married. I asked my husband his feelings on gays in the military and he said it didn’t bother him “as long as they don’t make an issue out of it.” That’s the key. And that’s what makes me mad about this whole gay/straight issue.

I don’t walk up to people and say, “Hi, I’m Sarah and I’m straight,” because who I sleep with doesn’t define me. And honestly, it shouldn’t define anyone else either. Gay, Straight, whatever.  Those who choose to allow it to define them need to re-evaluate their life. WHY would you make your choice in a life partner the focus of your life?  It shouldn’t be.

My dad taught me I have to know who I am before I can share myself with anyone else. That’s one reason why I didn’t get married right out of high school (or even college). Because I was still learning who I was as a person. I don’t need someone to complete me. I can share myself with someone but I am complete in myself.

Who I chose to spend my life with does not define me. Don’t make it an issue and it won’t be an issue. If you love your Country enough to serve and possibly lay down your life for your Country, you should be defined as a solider, not as a gay soldier. Because who you choose to share your life with should have nothing to do with your ability to fire an M-16. And my husband agrees. And he’s been there.

Do I understand what Rick Perry is trying to say? Yes. Do I think he needs a new writer? Yes. Because I think his point could have been made in a totally different way. Maybe he was trying to snag the Christian voters with this move. But I think he alienated a lot more than he gained.

This ad was not “Strong” by any means.

Fame for Crunchy

October 20, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


As you know, I’m not an exclusive Soapboxers writer. Kosmo doesn’t pay me enough…or at all (insert donation button here, Kosmo). But, hey, we’ve known each other for a long time (I first met him when I was in HIGH SCHOOL), besides, he has given me a great place to voice my opinion, whether he agrees with me or not.

However, I was recently approached (or as they say “targeted” but I try to avoid aggressive rhetoric) with Yahoo! News to write a “blog sounding” article about Iowa politics. Yeah, that was right up my alley. So I wrote this. Just a story about me being an undecided voter in Iowa. It’s dangerous. Especially with phone calls at bed time. I almost said the candidate that doesn’t wake the kids gets my vote. But that’s not entirely true. So I didn’t write it. But almost…so I submitted the article, crossed my fingers and went about chasing a toddler who needed a diaper change.

And it got published. Color me surprised. So I was asked to write another blog post about a “timely news event”. What’s better than the Occupy Wall Street drama?? The other night I was staying up (way way) too late and got sucked into twitter. I suggested the Occupy Iowa people get a job. Apparently I hit a nerve. Someone I don’t know, who ISN’T an in-law created the twitter hashtag #antisarahbowman (when I’m not Crunchy Conservative, I go by that name). And that got me to thinking…wow. Either these people have nothing better to do than cyber bully and protest something they really don’t understand or….well, sleep outside on the lawn of the statehouse. But thank you, anti-Sarah Bowman people, for giving me a topic to write about. So I wrote this.

Again, I crossed my fingers and went to bed. Imagine my surprise this morning when I woke up and thought “Eh, I’ll see if Yahoo! News has posted my article yet?” And then I find 5 tweets, 54 Facebook recommends and 51 comments! Woah. I hit a liberal nerve. I have told my mom NOT to read the comments, because, no mom likes it when someone calls her kid a “F**king moron”.

So yes, twitter IS worth something…whether my husband believes it or not. If you want to know how I feel about the Iowa caucuses or the Occupy Wall Street “people” view the links. And comment…and re-tweet. And link back to this article. But not while you’re on the clock…and if you’re not on the clock and actually “occupying” somewhere? Get a job.

JOBS – The Four Letter Word of the Obama Administration

September 16, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


I’m convinced that “jobs” is a four letter word in the Obama Administration. I can see it now. Barack stubs his toe on an end table and yells, “Oh jobs!” *giggles*

But in all seriousness, I find it interesting that he’s been the President for TWO AND A HALF YEARS already and JUST realized that jobs is an issue. Either that or he “hoped” that things would “change” without him having to do anything.

And yet, he did have to do something. So he did what he does best….the only thing he ever does. He gave another speech.

Now, those who voted for Obama who are upset with him and his performance, I don’t feel sorry for you. You elected a man because he gave good speeches….are you at all surprised that it is all he’s done thus far?

Back to the jobs bill. During the speech Obama kept saying “pass it” and to be honest, it had a little bit of an Obamacare feel to it. Do we need to pass this bill to before we can know what is in it? I don’t like it. Not one bit.

Here’s what I know. The Government can’t mandate that people hire. Only the people can hire. When people have more funds to hire, they hire. And that’s where this “income adjustment” aka taxes comes in to play. Keep taxes low, people have more of their own money, with more money they can hire more people, more people working means more money in the economy…it just makes common sense.

Then again, common sense is something this Administration is severely lacking.

I love watching the Liberals start freaking out about 2012. Unless Obama does something big–and I mean really, really big, he’s not going to win. America has had enough and, like I said unless something really big changes, we’ll have moving trucks in front of the White House in January 2013. But hey, that’d be a few jobs Obama could take credit for creating!

I hope you all enjoyed my live tweeting of the straw poll and the GOP debates. If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, be sure to follow @SoapBoxersLive on twitter.

The Iowa Straw Poll

August 18, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles

1 Comment

This weekend I attended the Iowa Straw Poll. It was the first time I attended and didn’t have to “work” at the straw poll. Although I was tweeting for CAPE PAC and Soapboxers, so I guess I was working. But I didn’t have VIP Credentials like in previous years. It was also the first time my husband was able to attend with me. Four years ago he was in Iraq and missed out on all of the Straw Poll fun. He had no idea it was “such a big deal”.

Everyone was there, including Benjamin Franklin. He asked if I wanted a picture with him and I said, “Sure.” He put his arm around me and said, “Benjamin LIKES the ladies.” Which is why my face is half scared, half laugh.

Before the results were announced, a friend asked who I thought would win. I said, “Bachmann one, Paul two, Pawlenty three.” My friend responded, “Interesting.” And then the results came down. “Bachmann one, Paul two, Pawlenty three.” My husband turned to me, jaw wide open and said, “How did you do that?” I laughed. Ten years in politics and you learn to read the crowds.

But yes, while I was there I tweeted the following:

“I keep having to remind DH that the candidate in last place’s name was “Thad McCotter” not “Scooter McGee”.”

“Ron Paul folks have left Hilton. Place smells a little better.”

“Overheard at the #IAStrawPoll “Ron Paul has brownies!” But what is in those brownies?”

Was I a little to harsh on the Ron Paul supporters? Maybe. They’re passionate and that’s good. But now they’re upset that Paul isn’t getting the media attention “he deserves.” I’ll let you in on a secret Ron Paul supporters, he’s not going to get the nomination.

Now, don’t get mad at me. That’s just the way it is. Ron Paul is what I like to call the “Drunk Uncle” (or “Drunkle” as my brother says) that everyone has at Thanksgiving. You know what I mean. It’s the guy you’re forced to invite, you never know what he’s going to say and you don’t know how to react when he goes off on one of his tangents. But it’s true.

So there it is, Ron Paul supporters. You’re passionate, and that’s awesome. That IS what we need in politics. But Ron Paul is not the guy. He’s not going to get the nomination. And getting second place in the Iowa Straw Poll is great, but if Paul runs as an Independent, he’ll only split the votes and we’ll get four more years of Obama.

It’s time to face the facts. He’s not going to get the nomination. There are too many other good candidates in the race. Ron Paul isn’t one of them. As my dad always told me before a big swim meet, “Second Place is the first loser”.

Childish Behavior In the Debt Ceiling Debate

July 21, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


As a mom, I am concerned about bullying. I went through it in junior high and high school but honestly, I think it made me the person I am. It gave me a bit of a thick skin so I can tolerate all of my critics (and I have plenty). And I’m not innocent in it all. I did a bit of bullying myself. I wouldn’t say I was a “Mean Girl” but there were times I wasn’t very nice. Here’s the deal, I grew out of it.

The “leaders” of our nation seem to play the role of worrying about bullying but they are taking part of it in the worst way. I think the leaders need to grow up, quit the bullying and just plain knock it off.

I am beyond annoyed with our leadership. As a mom, I wish I could give them all a time out. And Barack Obama thinks Americans should “eat your peas”? Whatever, dude.

The next day he yelled, “Don’t call my bluff” and stormed out of a meeting. Grow up, President. Put on your big boy pants and act like an adult. Quit being the bully. I’d expect this kind of behavior from my toddlers, not from the leader of the free world.

And it’s about the debt. Here’s the deal. It’s not the debt limit, it’s the spending. When you find your credit card is almost to max out, the sensible American doesn’t call the credit card company and ask them to increase their limit. They sit down and they figure out where they’re overspending. You don’t need Dave Ramsey to tell you that.

And then there’s the back and forth between Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Allen West, both representing Florida. She called him out on the House floor, calling into question his stance on Medicare during the debate over a spending cap and balanced budget bill before the House. She, of course, waiting until he was not able to defend himself to speak out.

So West sent her an email. The subject line of the email: “Unprofessional and Inappropriate Sophomoric Behavior from Wasserman-Schultz.” The e-mail said: “Look, Debbie, I understand that after I departed the House floor you directed your floor speech comments directly towards me. Let me make myself perfectly clear, you want a personal fight, I am happy to oblige. You are the most vile, unprofessional and despicable member of the US House of Representatives. If you have something to say to me, stop being a coward and say it to my face, otherwise, shut the heck up.”

I agree with him. What a cowardly chicken she is. To wait until he can’t defend himself and rail on him in front of the nation? That might fly in junior high but not on the floor of the House…and now she’s acting like the victim in it all? Grow up, sweetheart. Don’t write a check your tookus can’t cash. If you don’t want people to call you out on your actions, don’t act like a member of the “A” group who talks about people behind their back. It’s as simple as that.

It’s time for our leaders to start acting like leaders. They need to start acting like adults. No more talk of peas, bluffs and talking behind each other’s backs. Quit threatening to “take your ball and go home.” We voted you in to your current position to do a job. If bullying is all you’re willing to respond to, here’s a proposal, “DO YOUR JOB OR RISK LOSING IT.” How’s that for bullying? Do I have your attention now? Good. Get to work.

Maybe It Just Takes A Woman

June 16, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


Here’s the deal, boys, I know that politics is a boys club. My first political job was canvassing for the Iowa GOP in 2002. Since then I’ve been a Communications Director for a US Senate Campaign, served as Secretary and then Co-Chair for the Polk County GOP and volunteered on countless campaigns. So I get it, it’s a boys club. Which is probably why I got such a high tolerance for beer. If you can’t drink with the boys, you can’t play with the boys. At least on the campaign staffer level in Iowa.

But after Arnold’s little Schwarzenegger he has running around, John Edward’s “love” (ew) child with his former staffer (while his wife was battling cancer), Bill Clinton and the infamous blue dress and Weinergate, maybe we should look at who we have in office.

I warned you I was a feminist. So here we go. When you lost something as a kid, who did you ask? Mom. Because Mom always knew where it was.

When you had a problem, who did you ask? Mom. Because Mom always knew the right answer (and to do what was right).

When you thought you forgot Grandma’s birthday, who informed you she sent a card from you last week? Mom. Because Mom remembers.

I’m not saying women are infallible. Look at Eve (although I’m still partly convinced that Adam just threw Eve under the garden on that one). But women know better than to do things that get themselves into trouble. Women consider the risks, weigh all of the options (it’s how our brains work and why we talk so much) BEFORE they act. And talk (for the most part). And women rarely send naked blackberry pictures of themselves (not just because they don’t like the way they look, but because they know it will get out).

Women are only thinking with one head. Men have two. And they usually allow their lower one to make the decisions. You see what I’m getting at here. Don’t believe me? Why are there more strip clubs than Chippendale’s locations? And need I mention Hooters? I mean, there isn’t a place for women to eat where beefcakes serve them in fireman suspenders and…I think I just had a brilliant idea. Anyway, if Weinergate has shown us anything it shows us that maybe, just maybe, we should have more women in office.

Who do you ask when you want something to get done? The wife, the mom. The woman. Mothers remember all of the times, dates and weights of each of their children. Fathers are generally aware of little people living in the house (this is one of my husband’s favorite quotes).

I know a lot of Libs are upset at Sarah Palin and her bus tour, but why can’t a woman take her family on vacation, really? It’s because she’s not playing by the media’s “rules”. And they don’t like it.

Now, I’m not saying that all women in politics are great. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz annoys the heck out of me. I wasn’t a fan of Hillary either (although now I realize she’s better than Obama).

We in the Women’s club have our share of less than classy ladies. Tonya Harding for one. But she’s not in Congress. When you’re an elected official, you’re expected to act in a manner that is appropriate. Taking half naked pictures of yourself in the Congressional locker room isn’t one of them. Especially if you’re married and your wife is pregnant. Do I think Weiner should resign? Yes. People have resigned from Congress for lesser offenses.

What I’m saying is maybe we should have more women in office. Things would get done faster. Things would get done better. Things would get done without someone sending a picture of their “weiner” distracting the leaders from the REAL work that needs to be done (I mean really, if it is a woman, she shouldn’t have a weiner). Gas prices are still high. We’re still in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. People are still jobless. The economy is terrible. And we’re talking about a weiner?

If more women were in Congress, they would have said, “Ew. Resign, dude.” and it would have been over. Why boys, from an early age are obsessed with their junk is beyond me, but it seems like it is something they never grow out of. Remember, I have three little boys. And more times than I can count during the day, I have to say, “Stop playing with that”.

So yes. My suggestion is to get more women in office. And stop worrying about “the junk”.

I Can’t Support Newt Gingrich

May 19, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


I Just Can’t Do It

Sorry Nike, but I just can’t do it. Support Gingrich that is. Can I support Pawlenty? Sure. Can I support Palin? Yes. Can I even support Herman Cain? Why not? But Gingrich? No.

Being smarter than my age, in 7th grade we had a science project where we fed pop and junk food to newts. My newt was the control newt and he survived the experiment. So at the end of the project (against my mother’s wishes) I got to take him home. And being more in the news loop than your typical 7th grade girl, I had named him Mr. Gingrich. Yes, without even knowing it, I was a political nerd. At the ripe young age of 12.

I loved Mr. Gingrich (the newt). I had to put a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the fishbowl with a rubber band holding it on (with holes poked in the top) after Mr. Gingrich figured out how to crawl out of the bowl. One day I heard my mom screaming bloody murder and she was on a chair in the kitchen with a tiny little newt crawling on the floor.

I was a newt hunter at the age of 12. Now I’m a RINO hunter. For those of you who don’t know, RINO stands for Republican In Name Only.

Gingrich has been in the race for one week and he’s already had to apologize to someone. Not the best start. His website says, “Together we will Win The Future.” I think Obama tried to use that phrase. And I chuckle. Together we will WTF. I’m tuned in enough to social media to know what that means. Any time someone uses that it makes me SMH. Look it up.

Being a 30 something female in the Republican party, I’m trying to fight the stereotype. What do people think of when they say Republican? Old white males with white hair. And that describes Newt to a T. Let’s get away from the stereotype.

Not to mention the revolving charge account that he and the Mrs. had at Tiffany’s. I like bling and sparkly things as much as the next girl. But the liability was reported in the range of $250,001 to $500,000. Fiscal Conservative? People are usually more conservative with their OWN money. If he spends his own cash like this, how will he spend our tax dollars? Once a Grassley staffer, always a Grassley staffer I guess. I prefer my fiscal Conservatives to be Grassley-esque.

Now, if he does end up becoming the 2012 GOP candidate, I will vote for him, reluctantly. Obama’s got to go. But with the field being as saturated with “better” Conservatives, I don’t see Newt getting the nomination.

I just need a good fiscal Conservative who is pro-life, pro-family, pro-military, pro-business, small Government and says what he/she means. Is that too much to ask?

Reactions To Bin Laden’s Death (Crunchy)

May 2, 2011

- See all 35 of my articles


I wrote for CAPE PAC this morning, about how Obama has taken the credit for the death of Osama. But there’s something else that’s been bothering me.

As the wife of a soldier who was deployed, I know, first hand, the worries of those staying at home and having soldiers overseas. I know, first hand, the sleepless nights worrying about my husband, the medic, being attacked by Al-Qaeida. I know, first hand, the sound of bombs on the other end of the phone line and the sinking feeling in my stomach when the phone line goes quiet … and I know the tears.

I know what it’s like to sleep in an empty bed. I know what it’s like to see college kids out protesting with signs saying”NO WAR” and “BUSH THE WAR MONGERER”. I know what it’s like to have people give me “the look” when I said my husband was deployed. I know what it’s like to have someone call my husband a “baby killer” (no, really. This happened).

So when I see the college campuses erupting in cheers, I’m bothered. These are the same Obama zombies who called Bush the “war mongerer”. The same kids who shamed those who fought overseas. The same kids who voted for Obama. And if Obama had gotten his way (and kept his promises) we wouldn’t have gotten Osama. I can tell you that.

When I say “the same kids” I mean it both literally and figuratively. As a Conservative on one of the campuses I saw celebrating last night, I was called some terrible names. Even had a death threat via e-mail when I suggested that we go after Saddam even before it was mentioned by Bush. And, of course, my article one year after 9/11.  So, yes. I know how it feels. I understand being happy about Bin Laden being caught. I get it. But reflect to your actions of the past 10 years and see how you’ve made other people feel. Have you always supported our military? Have you always been proud to be an American?

Don’t get me wrong, they have the right to free speech, again something my husband fought for. But stop and think for a second. Would you be able to reflect on your writings in the last two years, let alone nine years ago and agree with yourself?

It’s time for all of America to reflect and grow.

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